
Modern and spacious gym

Get fitter and healthier, build strength and tone muscle in our spacious gym, featuring the latest performance-tracking technology.

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Energising Cardio Experience

Get your heart racing and your blood pumping on Technogym's state-of-the-art award-winning Excite® range of cardio equipment. Immerse yourself with a variety of entertainment options allowing you to enjoy your favourite TV shows, or radio station, while you exercise.

Each time you visit the gym your progress can be tracked with Technogym's mywellness app, which allows you to track all your health and movement data - indoor and outdoor training, sports activities, daily movement and body measurements.

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Free Weights & Strength Zone

Tone muscle, improve strength & increase power in our free weights area featuring dumbbells, bars, plates, cable machines, bar bells and fixed resistance equipment.

Your route to wellness

As part of your membership, begin a fully guided 6-week wellness journey to identify your goals, track your progress and get the results you need.

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